Spring is in the air - September/October/November
With Spring this year, the trees and flowers have begun to blossom. With the blossoms comes pollen. Pollen is microscopic powder produced from seed plants. It can be very fine and very light and can be easily picked up and spread by the wind. It can enter our nasal airways and cause irritation and inflammation.
Allergy to pollen is called Hay Fever. The symptoms of Hay Fever can include itchiness, swelling, sneezing and mucus.
For more information about Hay Fever from the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Inc. (ASCIA)
click this link....
In Chinese Medicine, Spring is the season of 'Wind' and the 'Liver'. As with the pollen mentioned above, wind is the carrier of many pathogens. These pathogens can enter the body and cause illnesses like Hay Fever and Eczema, This gives meaning to an old Chinese saying that 'wInd is the spearhead of a thousand diseases'.
And though we can't stop the wind or the pathogens it carries, it is the belief in Chinese Medicine that we are able to nourish our bodies so we can fight off any illness which may occur.
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